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20 in 2011 Recap

by Kate Franco on December 20, 2011 · 10 comments

For the past 2 years I’ve been setting 20 goals at the beginning of the year in lieu of a traditional new years resolution. This year, I’m hoping to do something even more robust, but here’s the recap of my 20 in 2011.
  1. Make at least 2 articles of clothing from scratch {looking forward to using my xmas gift: Twinkle Sews}
  2. Pay off credit card!Both of ’em!
  3. Take a trip abroad.
  4. Get better at small talk. Vastly improved, if I do say so myself.
  5. Solidify and begin new projects with my cuz. Artsy Holiday Gift Show, anyone?
  6. Take care of myself. {Yes, this means working out. I’m not limiting it to the gym this year. Just being healthy in general. Hm, still some work to do here.
  7. Read 1 book a month. Some months 4,  some months none. It all balances out.
  8. Cook 1 new dish a month.
  9. Drive more traffic and continue to add functionality to Undeniable Style. We all know this is a constant project. But I did do this, so I’m crossing it off so I can feel better about myself.
  10. Respond to all personal emails within 48 hours {I would say 24, but I think that’s a stretch}
  11. Consider Formspring {mixed feelings on this}. Considered it, tried it, hated it…or rather, found it extremely boring.
  12. Learn to appreciate regular ol’ brewed coffee {coffeemate = a must}. The Starbucks at my new office is a little too far away some days. Done – for a few months, anyway. We’ve since moved offices again, and there’s a Starbucks across the street. I’m off caffeine though {6 months and counting!}
  13. Buy a camera. Legit. Now onto learning about how to take better photos. Anyone else tired of the outfit posts in front of the kitchen door?
  14. Find myself a nice midwestern or southern boy. Tried it and moved on.
  15. Be bold.
  16. Take a class for enrichment. WIP
  17. Do another closet overhaul and donate more clothes {even after getting rid of 60+ items, my dressers are still full?!} Getting ready for round three.
  18. Finalize the photo collage in my room AND hang the photos.
  19. Write handwritten letters to the people I love.
  20. Focus on upcycling and recycling instead of buying new things all the time.
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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Jessica Zigenis December 20, 2011 at 11:34 am

I’m making myself a “goal list” for the first time this year! I can’t wait! I’m positively giddy… xo


Rachel December 20, 2011 at 1:09 pm

I wasn’t planning on making an resolutions for 2012. I was just going to go with the flow and see what happened. But this has inspired me to make a list of achievable goals. Thanks, Kate.


Kate December 21, 2011 at 9:47 am

let me know if you do it! I love to see what other people are up to!


Shoko December 20, 2011 at 1:23 pm

Very inspiring. I need to make one of these this year!


Jess {The In-Between} December 20, 2011 at 1:57 pm

Great Idea! I love this!


Laura December 20, 2011 at 2:02 pm

Great list! My resolutions have become more goal lists than resolutions over the years. I love it! I can definitely help with #8 anytime – lol.

I too need to learn how to take better pictures. I’ve checked out a ton of books but haven’t bothered to read them before they’re do back. Let me know if you come across any good resources for learning about digital photography!


Kate December 21, 2011 at 9:58 am

Laura – I actually think that pinterest is a good source for tutorials! Will let you know if I find any that I just can’t live without.


Lila December 29, 2011 at 10:54 am

Nice look back over the year. Lets keep working on more projects together 🙂 We need to set a date…


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