After I got sick, I didn’t workout for years. Plural. Even paying for a gym membership wasn’t enough to make me go. I paid $50 a month for a year and went to the gym exactly twice.
Fast forward to today, and I’m back on the “healthy” train {I have to use quotation marks marks because healthy’s kind of a relative term}. I’m so happy to report I’ve been working out regularly for the last year. Right now I’m only working out twice a week, so I can’t say it’s enough to make a difference in the way I look, but it definitely impacts the way I feel.
So to mix it up, this month I added the #TIASQUAT challenge to my daily routine. So far it’s been cool because I can do it from anywhere, at any time of the day and it doesn’t require additional equipment, though I do usually use light weights. So far it’s not unbearably hard, but I’m cruising in the 90 squats a day range. Ask me when I’m up to 200 and it’ll probably be a different story.
Squat challenge put together by, found on Pinterest. Join me!
Two shocking side notes about this post: 1. raise your hand if you thought I would ever dedicate a post to working out. right. me too. 2. holy crap, I am actually working out and not just pinning about working out.