inmod duvet cover

Inmod3.jpgAmazing. Incredible. I am deeply saddened by the fact that I was unaware of this site when I purchased a new duvet cover a few months ago.

Having trouble finding something that blends with your vision of a perfect bedroom? I ran into the exact same problem, and I ended up finding a duvet cover that makes me happy, but I’m not totally in love with it.

If I had known about this site, I would have gotten something that I love; I came across inmod the other day and was blown away. This cool site let’s you completely customize your duvet cover.


  1. Select Fabric
  2. Choose Hand-Embroidered Pattern
  3. Choose the base color of the duvet
  4. Choose embroidery colors for EACH of the design elements (amazing, right?)
  5. Select Size

You can view your progress every step of the way. Prices start at $200, so it definitely ain’t cheap, but it sure is PRETTY.

**photo courtesy of more ways to waste time **