magazine clippings organization

Reader Request: More on Getting Organized

by Kate Franco on January 13, 2008 · 1 comment

Tight on storage space? I recently posted about stylish magazine/file storage alternatives. One reader was specifically interested in finding ways to organize magazine clippings – without enough space to save entire magazines, she prefers to only keep the articles that really interest her. The options below aren’t your high school-style binders with the clear EZ view top, so be prepared to pay a little more. What I can guarantee is that these binders add a dose of color and style to your home or office environment. Check ’em out:


From left to right: Kolo Trivino Presentation Binder (1″ ring size), SALE! $34, available here; Cork Binders (0.5″, 1″, 2″ ring sizes), starting at $32, available here; Vera Bradley Citrus Three-Ring Binder (1″ ring size), $16, available here; Bonded Leather Flexi-Spine Binder (1″ ring size), $36.99, available here.

I love the leather ones most – on the far right (but that’s probably just my $$$ taste talking). Champagne taste on a beer budget, as my mom likes to say.

Don’t forget the top-loading sheet protectors and dividers for further organization.

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