slouchy ankle boots

Hm. I Bought These Boots…

by Kate Franco on November 5, 2009 · 2 comments


…now what?

I fell in love with these boots, so I purchased them from Piperlime last week and now it turns out I can’t really figure out how to wear them. Which is silly, because I can pretty much figure out how to wear anything. Also, I’m concerned my feet are shrinking. Is this normal?

So, I’m looking for some inspiration on how to wear short boots without making myself look shorter. In that process, I came across some really cool pics, and a new {to me} blog that is basically a fashion diary. Awesomely, her clothes aren’t super high end…it’s stuff that everyone can afford. Take a peek!



 My hunch is that skirts and dresses are a no brainer. Or maybe some cropped jeans? Or maybe I’ll try leggings…I’ve just seen to many instances of this one gone wrong to really be that into it.