For the past 3 years {see: 2010, 2011, 2012} I have been setting 20 goals at the beginning of the year in lieu of a traditional new year’s resolution. This year, I think I did the best I’ve EVER done, crossing 16 out of 20 off the list. Amazing, considering I actually forgot I set the goals in the first place. It’s been a helluva year!
Nurture social relationships.Man, did I do this with gusto! Many girl dates, some boy dates and I even started a book club.- Be Bold. I’m not crossing it off, but I’m getting my mojo back.
- Make at least 2 items of clothing from scratch. Not even close.
Take my camera everywhere – even if that means looking ridiculous. Or like a tourist {easy to do in SF}. All in name of getting better, more interesting pictures.Considered complete! Especially with the addition of my awesome bloggy coworkers and Sunday Shootouts.Get over 1,000 followers on Twitter. Just ’cause.BAM! 1,225 suckas! {No really, thanks guys!}Update my Linkedin Profile because it hasn’t been updated in, like, 4 years. Note: Great article on words to avoid.Boring. Done.Buy less new, buy more used.POSHMARK, ANYONE? Holy crap. Practically all I buy now is used.Find a way to be part of a solution to a problem. {right now, education is at the top of my list.}I did volunteer with First Graduate this year. Awesome experience!Take regular work from home days.Irrelevant. No longer an option with my new job!Read at least 1 book/month.Book club! But next year, I want to make sure I actually keep a list of these.Take care of myself. I know, I know, this is broad. It covers things like: stop eating so much shit. Workout so I have more energy to do the things I want to do. Take meds. Drink more water. It’s not THAT hard, really. C’mon, Kate.Well, due to a total and complete crohn’s meltdown earlier this year I’m on new heavy duty meds and doing a much better job of taking care of myself. I’m crossing it off with the understanding that this is a forever thing, the health thing.Continue to work on that small talk thing.SUCCESS!Read current events, not just the ones that look interesting in my inbox or on twitter.The sometimes hellacious commute has been great for this! I listen to a ton of CNN, POTUS, and NPR on XM radio.Meet up bi-monthly with someone from the blogging/social community that I haven’t hung out with before – coffee, drinks, whatever.Definitely did much better than the year prior on attending more functions!- Spend more time with the people I love. Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for this!
- Learn more about my family history, especially on my dad’s side. Definitely not even a little bit.
Ask the tough questions.Oh girl, let me tell you, did I ask myself the hard questions. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I chose this as a goal. WHAT. A. YEAR. The good news is that I also got a lot of answers.- Get into cooking with cast iron. Nope. Still into it, though.
Let my hair get long.Dude. I’m trying! My hair stylist says that it’ll be another 12 months before I reach my goal length, and that’s WITH all the supplements I\’m taking. eesh.Pick up some more sweet dance moves.One word. ZUMBA!
The other thing I noticed is that there are several items on my list that keep getting pushed back year after year. For 2013, I’m thinking about just removing them entirely. Let’s not mince words. Apparently I’m neither good at nor have the motivation for: cooking, sewing my own clothes, or traveling.

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I love this Kate!! I think I\’m allergic to new year\’s resolutions, but I love your idea of jotting down some goals and checking back at the end of the year. Looks like you did great!