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2010 Goals…Update!

by Kate Franco on February 12, 2010 · 2 comments


Guess who signed up for an Indie Business class?! This kid! Super exciting. And since we’re being so pro-active…

In December, I wrote a list of 20 things to accomplish in 2010. Since we’re already halfway through February, I thought it would be appropriate to recap {you guys are good at keeping me accountable!}

  1. buy original art for my apartment  I’m checking it off the list, but I’ve only bought 1 additional piece so far.
  2. get a new bed but no photos until I buy bedding. hahaha!
  3. learn how to paint
  4. reorganize my closet  – It looks SO good! AND we created a ton more crafting storage space.
  5. read 1 book a month {I used to read 1 a week…what has happened to me?!}
  6. find someone to create a new undeniable style banner – I’m changing this to “get complete control of my blogs,” no more having people hosting for me.
  7. plan a trip abroad
  8. do yoga
  9. learn to be more flexible {hah! not related to #8…but funny that they ended up next to each other}
  10. finish Alexis and Ed’s wedding quilt {before their 1 year anniversary}
  11. amp up my machine quilting skills
  12. practice writing…typography.
  13. design at least 1 cute fabric
  14. pay off that last little bit of credit card debt
  15. host dinner for people i love at least once a month
  16. start keeping a journal again – started it…am not very good at keeping up with it.
  17. participate in a stash swap
  18. use my gym membership more than once a month! – okay, so I went twice in Jan. I’m not crossing this off…must…get….better
  19. drink more good wine – Jan. was a great month for this, but you know I’m not crossing it off, either! March is also proving to look good for this…barrel tasting!
  20. work on being MORE positive and grateful
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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Mandy February 13, 2010 at 5:44 am

YAY! I signed up for the class also!


Megan February 13, 2010 at 8:35 am

I love these! I think I am going to make a list too! (even though I’ll be getting a late start 😉 )


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