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Casino Night

by Kate Franco on January 30, 2011 · 9 comments

Meet Beth. One of the funniest, craftiest, most awesomest people I know. She’s going to a formal event {Casino Night fundraiser, funnn!} and needed some help finding something to wear. These were her parameters:

Here’s what I came up with:

Dresses: Eva Franco Gala Life Dress, Confetti Falls Dress, Rioja Dress
Shoes: Black Shoes, Nude Shoes
Accessories: Cocktail Ring, Earrings, Feather Hair Clip

The commonality between the dresses is the structure at the waist, flattering because it accentuates your most narrow part. The first & third dresses in particular have a retro feel to them, but I think the real key accessory here is the hair clip. {Beth, I bet you could make an awesome one!} I’d suggest a side chignon for the hairstyle since it’s equal parts elegant and graceful.

Accessories and shoes were hard to find made in USA, there are so many imports out there! I threw a nude pump in the mix for the magenta dress specifically, I love the way nude heels make your legs look about a million miles long. And the art deco inspired jewelry just tops it all off.

2 questions for you guys…how would you add vintage flair to a cocktail look? And do you have any suggestions on great Made in USA brands?

Have fun Beth, thanks for letting me play along!

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{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

michela January 30, 2011 at 10:37 pm

Thanks for including an Eva Franco dress! She’ll be so happy – remember to let me know when you can come down to LA sometime and we’ll tour her showroom and studio.


Kate January 31, 2011 at 6:58 am

that would be awesome! I love her stuff.


Beth January 31, 2011 at 2:21 am

Thanks, Kate! I love the hair clip and hair advice especially. I am OK at finding dresses I love and terrible at accessorizing. When I pull it all together, I will send you a picture.

Looking forward to hearing advice from your readers.


Kate January 31, 2011 at 6:59 am

the dresses you sent me were spot on. i love it when people know what “works” for them! I’ll send you a couple of tutorials on the hair. Glad you liked it!


brittney February 1, 2011 at 8:45 pm

i have nothing to add…those dress picks are perfection! fabulous! i want them for myself, even though i have no vintage-inspired cocktail party to attend. that’s fine, though, right? right. you have great taste.
-brittney (my daily outfit blog)


elle sees February 7, 2011 at 7:56 am

I’m so bad at considering made in the usa brands. That said, I’m really gonna put in an effort to change that.


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