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Dating is Easy

by Kate Franco on October 7, 2010 · 8 comments

What? Said who?

I did, back in my…crazy|sexy|cool days. I LOVED dating! It was exciting. The city was shiny and new: a playground. I wouldn’t say I dated for sport {lack of coordination makes me run away from anything remotely sporty}, but I definitely put myself out there. Now? Not so much. It’s TOO scary.

After the last bad breakup I journaled a list. {Ironically, I always say that you can make as many lists as you want; when it comes to love they all go out the window. BUT, this list is not your typical teenage, “I want a guy with blue eyes who plays guitar and drives a jeep and wants to be a doctor|lawyer|astronaut” kind of list. It’s a very grown up, practical kind of list.} Anyhoo, found said list yesterday and was oddly comforted by it.

What I’m looking for:

  1. Someone who puts 110% into their relationships the way I do.
  2. Someone who values partnership & sees me as an equal partner.
  3. Someone who values the sanctity of a relationship.
  4. Someone who loves me unconditionally & understands hardship. {not that I have the hardest life, but empathy is important, people!}
  5. Someone with a strong work ethic and backbone {but must know the meaning of the word compromise}.
  6. Someone who is okay with a slow pace of life. {even though my life is gogogo a lot of the time}.
  7. Tall/Dark/Handsome. {obviously}
  8. Intellectual conversation a must. Witty banter appreciated.

8 simple rules? That’s all? It surprises me how common sense most of these things are & how many times {too many} I’ve compromised on them.

So now it’s out there, and you guys better hold me to it.

What are your must-haves or dealbreakers? Anything you think I should add to the list?

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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Lindsey October 8, 2010 at 7:21 am

I think we are going to need a set of twins, because we are looking for the same person!


Kate October 11, 2010 at 9:12 am

that’d. be. awesome.


Liz October 8, 2010 at 11:38 am

Great list 🙂
& I agree with you. If I had to re-enter the dating scene I would totally hate life. It’s not as easy as it used to be lol.


Kim October 11, 2010 at 5:53 am

I would have to say a family man! Someone who takes an interest in their family and is nice to their family. I think it indicates how they are going to treat you later in life.


Kate October 11, 2010 at 9:12 am

good call Kim!


Jaime @ La vie...J'aime October 11, 2010 at 10:25 am

Oh ya dating is soooo not easy! I find it nerve wracking! I just went on a handful of dates with a guy and afetr this last one on Sat, I don’t think he’s for me… back to square one. I love your looking for list too 🙂 I’d add family man, like Kim, and makes me laugh.. ALOT!


shawni marie October 15, 2010 at 3:37 pm

i love this post. i recently went through a bad breakup too and i think it’s important to put yourself back out there….


Lindsay October 18, 2010 at 3:17 pm

I think all 8 have a lot of validity. One thing I’ve learned in my limited dating experience is that the little things matter. The “laying out your multivitamin to speed up your morning, giving your lady an “i love you” card just because…and having wine poured before you get home from work if they know you’ve had a hard day” are the things that I’ve come to love most. Quality, over quantity 🙂


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