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Little Lessons on a Tuesday

by Kate Franco on March 29, 2011 · 9 comments

  1. You guys, you can get dance moves ON DEMAND if you have Comcast. Including but not limited to “rude booty”. I’m serious.
  2. Now officially addicted to Flourish Lip Tint.
  3. I still haven’t finished my taxes and it’s stressing me out.
  4. I super desperately need to do 2 things aside from taxes. 1: clean my bedroom and 2: do laundry. Like I reallyreally need to do laundry.
  5. And that’s about how interesting my life is right now. Laundry and cleaning…sounds about right.
  6. OMGosh. Yukon Jack. Have you guys ever heard of this? The tagline is the “The black sheep of Canadian Liqueur.”
  7. Cee Lo on the ukulele. Pure Awesome.
  8. Finally watched The Lovely Bones; I DO NOT remember the book being that weird. The best part was the costumes. And Marky Mark.
  9. Looking for an external hard drive. Any recommendations? I need to back up my ish.
  10. I need more blouses in my life. And lace.
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{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

xoelizabethlou March 29, 2011 at 8:13 am

That Yukon Jack stuff is how my fiancee and I started talking. He had a flask of it for the wedding we were both in and offered me a swig….ha


Alli (One Pearl Button) March 29, 2011 at 1:48 pm

Oh no, Yukon Jack!! My best friend’s mom is Canadian and she bought it once as a joke – a shot of it used to be the penalty for party fouls at our house, haha.


ani March 29, 2011 at 4:28 pm

i also have not finished my taxes – but im so close!


Amber March 30, 2011 at 4:28 am

For the external hard drive, I recommend Seagate or Maxtor brands. I have a 320GB Seagate FreeAgent Go which is great because its portable and it was $70.00.


dara March 30, 2011 at 9:58 am

i love your voice.

i also have not done my taxes. woops.

cleaning/laundry- doesn’t it feel like there it’s always begging to be done?!


Lila March 31, 2011 at 4:59 pm

I am on a mission to do all the laundry in our house (not just the top items that I wear the most) and it is taxing. Not to mention the taxing nature of taxes (I’m not done with the either). Cee Lo is quite lovely on the ol’ uke.

He he… Yukon Jack…

Looked up that lip tint and now have a new favorite etsy store…


Jess April 2, 2011 at 7:34 pm

I need more blouses and lace in my life as well! And floral print. Good luck with your taxes!


Mike April 3, 2011 at 12:57 pm

For an external hard drive, I actually like to have a USB dock, and buy an internal hard drive to plug into it… that way if your main hard drive ever dies, you can just swap it for the backup drive, without having to take the time to copy it all back to a new one.


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