- Yesterday, I got 7 connection requests from 4 different social sites and it made me stop and think about how I’m currently managing my “brand”.
- Smiling is totally contagious. So is laughter. Thanking good friends and new friends for a lot of both this past weekend {Congrats Monica and Andrew!}
- I am so behind on buying gifts for people. Baby showers, wedding gifts, sorry guys. I love you and I know I need to get on it!
- In college, I worked in the housing/residence life office and as a desk receptionist and I was in charge of ALL the bulletin boards. {me, making things pretty…}
- My 13 year old sister has pretty much the same taste in food that I did when I was 13. Sugar. Salami. Pretty much the blander the better.
- I get overzealous with gifts. I get a lot of pleasure {and take a lot of pride} in choosing *just* the right thing for someone. It pains me to give money as a present.
- I’m looking for some new really cool {free} micro patterns for photoshop – anyone have any suggestions on ones that you personally love {and are willing to share!}?
- I’ve been loving The Honey Trees lately…getting me through some late night work sessions.
- My Frye boots came {yes, I broke down and ordered them} and they are like art. Seriously.
- I’m a pretty tenacious person; I like to see things through to the end. But for the life of me, I could not finish Chelsea Handler’s book. I felt kind of the same way about Hemingway {A Farewell to Arms} to be fair, but I battled that one out. Very different reasons, same effect.
- I’m really into monogrammed signet rings lately. I think they make such great heirlooms.
Previous post: Rhinestone Cowgirl
Next post: Fly Girl
{ 10 comments… read them below or add one }
Oh God, I want Frye boots SO BADLY IT HURTS. And I bought a great little monogrammed signet ring on Etsy awhile back that I’m obsessed with.
Ditto on number six. We are the same person. P.s. when are we starting our SWAP?!
Monogrammed signet ring!? Those actually exist? I’m not sure I could pull off (<--bad pun!) something that baller.
Ha! I felt the same way about A Farewell to Arms… Oh well! Actually I’m pretty terrible at finishing books before I start another one. I’ve got a half dozen half-read books on my shelf right now.
It was fun seeing you last week! 🙂
It was SO good to see you too! Abby said you’ve declared one of your wedding colors to be “sparkly”. I LOVE IT.
I’m so stoked about “sparkly” being a wedding color. I have interpreted this to mean that I need to buy new sparkly shoes. totally legit, right?
Frye boot photos plz! xoxox
sparkly shoes = must. pics forthcoming!
Love you! Thanks for being a gorgeous addition to a wonderful weekend!
Graham DR’s rule!!! Which Frye boots did you get? Can’t wait to see pics!
#10…. try downloading it as an audiobook for the ipod from a local library for free… I’ve gotten through countless books this way now– great for roadtrips too.