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Little Lessons – Weekend Edition {On a Tuesday}

by Kate Franco on June 29, 2010 · 4 comments


  1. I ♥ cooking for other people & having a fully stocked fridge {doesn’t happen too often!}
      1a. Only a handful of the things I make are stellar,
      1b. Most are on the good side of mediocre,
      1c. But there are some I will NEVER make again.
  2. Sometimes, the days where you do nothing with a special person are the best ones.
  3. Candlelight makes things seem better.
  4. Try not to be critical about small things.
  5. Concerned about dress length {too short?} for a wedding, but I think I’m going to wear it anyway. {followed my one year of experience wearing a uniform to school: skirt length must be longer than your fingertips with your hands at your sides, yeah?}
  6. Everything is better when my parents are around.
  7. Best advice in awhile: Sometimes it’s better to not say anything at all. The real justice is in standing up for yourself. You don’t like the way he treats you? Then don’t let him.
  8. Time to flex on that spending habit. I let it get a little out of control again.
  9. If people are allowed to have babies in apartments, I should be allowed to have a cat.
  10. I am probably not home enough to have a cat. I don’t even have plants.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

jean June 29, 2010 at 9:15 pm

Totally agree with #9. And, I smell a funny story (or stories?) behind 1c. Let’s hear about it!


Kim June 30, 2010 at 7:41 am

1) What you cooked for me awhile back was awesome!! I didn’t ever use to like brussel sprouts and now I think they are good when cooked right.
2) I always think short dresses are okay.
3) Cats are easier to take care of than plants!! I can’t keep my plant alive for the life of me… but I think its b/c I care too much and give it too much water.


abby July 2, 2010 at 4:47 pm

The cat meows when she needs something – the plant just sort of sits there and mopes 🙂


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