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Survival Mode

by Kate Franco on November 15, 2011 · 2 comments

So. This is BY FAR the busiest time of the year for a lot of peeps and that totally rings true for me. Working in retail, this time of year is completely nuts {and that’s a good thing}! Here’s a glimpse into what I’m doing this season to stay sane:

Arranged for the tread-climber I’ve been given to be “delivered”

{by delivered I mean enlisting folks to help pick up and unload the beast}. Perhaps a better chance of reducing stress if I actually work out?

Unsubscribed from a TON of unnecessary emails that I get every day

It was obscenely out of control. I’m not joking when I say it’s made me tense for months. Already feel better without the clutter.

Created a blog calendar to try and plan out my thoughts

Funny way to say it, since I usually write by the seat of my pants. I’ve never tried this before, so I’ll let you know how it goes!

Ordered some crafty/quilty supplies

Not that I anticipate having much time to craft, but just knowing that I’ve got an outlet rip-roaring-ready-to-go makes me feel a little bit better.

Investing in some moccasins to give my poor tired feet a break

The pains of fashion over function. Remember these darling ones that I started lusting over a year ago? I finally broke down and ordered them. I figure if you’ve been wanting something for THAT long, you should go ahead and pull the trigger.

What are the things you do to de-stress during the holidays?

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Erin November 16, 2011 at 3:53 am

I totally know what you mean! I’m a teacher, and have been going 90 to nothing all month. I’m taking Friday off just to catch my breath and do my Christmas shopping. Great suggestion about the e-mails, I’m off to go clean out my inbox now!


good girl gone blog November 16, 2011 at 5:42 pm

Ahh those moccasins are gorgeous!


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