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Top 5

by Kate Franco on February 19, 2013 · 3 comments

xox tipsTo be honest, I wasn’t even aware that Valentine’s Day was around the corner until an ex asked me if I knew of a place in SF to buy silk sheets. {Yep, that happened! And caused some giggles and groans in the office.} Then the day came and went, and as is typical for me, I didn’t realize until it had passed that it had made me sad. At that point I knew I needed to drop everything this weekend to reset.

So often we get caught in a cycle of monotony, a cycle of daily craziness, a cycle of self-sabotage that once the cycle’s in motion {no matter what the cycle is} it can be hard to call it quits and gain perspective. Are we happy? Are we on the right path?

Start a journal.

I kept a journal from 5th grade all the way up to my mid-20’s and then I stopped with no explanation. Last year I started journaling again. My first entry was a collage using these prompts, and it helped me plot a new course. Free write. Make lists. Paint pictures. The honesty is refreshing.

Find a safe space.

A place that gives you clarity and perspective, allows you to see things differently or to see within yourself. A mountain? Fabulous. The water? Superb. It just has to be some place you can go with regularity. A place to clear your head.

Connect with like-minded people.

This has been a big game-changer for me in the past year; I have surrounded myself with people who are also on a personal growth journey and it’s been so good for my soul because I am no longer seeking to be understood, I just am.

Write a mission statement

or create a mantra to start your day. I feel like my mantra changes pretty frequently depending on what I’m working on, but my overarching goal has remained the same. See the video!

Help others. 

So many studies prove that this is true: when you help others you’re really helping yourself. No act is too big or too small. For me, this is sometimes synonymous with being generous. Be generous in whatever way you can.

This weekend I worked on making of list of 100 things I love about myself {I haven’t made it to 100 yet btw!} Being self-critical takes a toll and I needed to clear the cobwebs and see the good things too. Be love, lovers.

See my other top 5 posts, including advice for my teenage sister.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Amanda Weiss February 19, 2013 at 7:52 am

Kate, you always find a way to inspire me.

Thank you for starting my week off on the right foot! Journal-check. (love that!)

<3 Amanda


Tessa February 19, 2013 at 8:31 am

This is a great post! Love you Katie Franco. P.S. if you ever need a weekend to relax, come up and I’ll take care of you 🙂


Kate February 19, 2013 at 12:46 pm

only if we can embark on some crafty projects together 🙂


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