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Impromptu Dinner Date

by Kate Franco on December 7, 2011 · 5 comments

Aside from the fact that I’m having itchy skin issues {tmi?} and wool makes me itch even more than usual, I am loving this sweater purchased from my dear friend Chelsea’s shop, Rewritten Vintage.

I wore the black pumps on my dinner date, but paired it with black laceless converse for work. I walk 2 miles a day on my commute. Heels — no matter how comfortable — just won’t cut it. Back in the day {you know, before I started this blog}, I had to go to physical therapy for this reason. I learned my lesson well; heels kill your feet. Word to your mom. {I came to drop bombs}. Franco out.

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{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Laura December 7, 2011 at 9:56 am

I always struggle with outfits for impromptu dinner dates. And I love your note about heels. So practical!


good girl gone blog December 7, 2011 at 11:18 am

Oooh, I used to walk about a mile in heels sometimes, but only if they were comfy. I don’t want to go to physical therapy!!


Kate December 8, 2011 at 4:14 pm

Be careful, lady! I always wear walking shoes and change into my heels at work now. It’s totally 80’s-powersuit-fantastic, but hey, whatever works.


Je December 7, 2011 at 4:19 pm

Yah know – I just moved to SF from Seattle six months ago, and the walking a ton and can’t wear heels things is KILLING ME. In Seattle we cab everywhere (do to sprawl and rain). I’m short and don’t feel “hot” unless I have heels on. But one too many nights where I had to go home early because my feet hurt cured me of that. Tough cause all the trends in heels these days are 4-5″.
By the way, what brand are your black platform heels shown here? I just ordered two pairs online (one is going back) cause I’m in need for a classic black.


Kate December 7, 2011 at 4:45 pm

So many things to say to this!

1. Two of my best friends in the whole world live in Seattle! I love Seattlites!

2. I’m with you. At 5’3″ heels are definitely preferred.

3. My formula for high heels and a long-lasting night out is a big purse. I alwaysalwaysalways have a pair of flip flops or flats on hand for the end of the night, to the point where I get made fun of for it!

4. Shoes are several years old, Steve Madden, but there are a ton of cute ones out there right now! Good luck!


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