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Little Lessons on a Tuesday

by Kate Franco on August 30, 2011 · 4 comments

  1. Judging by the number of people I know who have had babies in the past 3 days {3}, there’s a lot of good times happening during the holidays 2010. #justsayin.
  2. I am having such crazy dry skin issues, the skin around my eyes feels like fine sand paper. At {almost} 29, I’m only now just understanding, that there’s not a topical moisturizer in the world that will fix it. That ish has to come from within. {hello, hydration…}
  3. I love ALL of this advice.
  4. I just got REALLY excited to video chat with my friend Jess. It’s been about a bajillion years since I’ve seen her.
  5. You guys. Be prepared to be super proud: lil’ ol’ risk averse me, rode on a scooter this weekend! Took a zippy little ride around the city, in fact. I was only scared like 33% of the time. Isn’t that an awesome date? Seriously, it was.
  6. I am currently researching education/literacy non-profits. If you have any suggestions on good ones, let me know.
  7. And few words of caution: Don’t go shopping after you’ve had 2 glasses of wine. I accidentally spent $200 in 30 minutes. Yeah, you got that right. Embarrassing, but true.
  8. I technically failed my vision test at the DMV last week because I didn’t follow the instructions. Luckily, the girl working at the counter was a super sweetheart and said, “Don’t worry, I gotchu gurl,”
  9. I’m sorry, but they’re creepy.
  10. Thoughts on natural energy boosters? I’m totally off caffeine right now, and it’s pretty sad. I’m past the headaches/withdrawl and all that. But sometimes, you know, you need a little extra kick. It would probably also help if I didn’t require like 10 hours of sleep lately.
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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

good girl gone blog August 30, 2011 at 9:58 am

Love that they were so helpful at the DMV. Also, yay on the scooter thing! I haven’t actually driven the bf’s yet, but I’ve been riding with him for almost a year now. At first, I was terrified. It gets a lot easier, I promise.


Michela August 30, 2011 at 10:34 am

Regarding caffeine – have you tried Yerba Mate? I think it’s great, all natural and you only need a little teensy bit to give you a boost. Tastes great too.


Alli (One Pearl Button) August 30, 2011 at 3:14 pm

Oh, good for you on riding a scooter! Isn’t it so much fun? I’m totally in love with mine – now that I have one, I can’t imagine ever NOT having one. Definitely the best way to make errands fun.

Coincidentally, I have the exact same Vespa that’s in this photo!


Jess September 2, 2011 at 8:32 am

YAY! Let’s set a date!


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