Today, I’m sharing some random old pics that never got published. Surprising when that happens! I found these guys hanging out in my drafts folder and I am kind of in love with the dreamy colors. The last picture here was used for my business cards recently, and I love the way they turned out. The angles and movement, all good things.
Random, but remember way back when I used to do Little Lessons? I’m kind of in that mood tonight as I write this post, so I’m going to go ahead and run with it.
- I’ve been trying to make it to the gym 3 days a week, and I’ve been making good on it. I see absolutely no physical difference, but I’ve been doing a lot of yoga, so my mind is quieter.
- My yoga practice has been off and on for the last 10 years and this, right now, is the best it’s ever been. I don’t discount the fact that I’m more aware of myself than ever…for better or for worse!
- This article {11 fashion essentials every 30-something should own} inspired me to upgrade my undergarment situation, immediately. Holler.
- Stop believing that everything is happening to you; everything is happening FOR you.
- 100% of the time jazz music makes me want a glass of wine.
- I don’t care about football {live events excluded. I can get into any live sporting event}, except for the things that impact my fantasy team. Then I really, really care. #RealTalk.
- I’m into receiving snapchats.
- I’m thankful to be spending quality time with quality people lately. It’s a good feeling!
- I totally acknowledge and embrace that I am a recovering perfectionist.
- Need this in my life. Like now.
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ah the “this” link on number 10 is broken and now i’m dying to know what the “this” is!
Link fixed, but you’ve already seen it. 🙂 Thanks for the heads up!
Love these photos! Can’t believe you never posted them!
Kate, I thought of you the other day. 🙂 I just joined a quilting ministry at my church and remembered that back in the day at JP you’d bring your quilting squares to work…and I had always checked them out, wanting to learn! Finally realizing one of my goals almost 10 years later, hehe. 🙂
Haven’t been blog reading in the last few months, and just catching up now. You’re looking fab, as always! We should get together sometime–been too long! Hope you’re well!
#7… ask and ye shall receive hahahahha