Today I wanted to share a little peek into my jewelry box with you guys…mostly because I came across this love knot pinkie ring by Ariel Gordon and I just about couldn’t believe my eyes!
You see, I’ve been looking for a love knot ring off and on for the past 6 years. The quest has been arduous, and none of the ones I have come across have been quite right. When I was younger, my mom gave me this ring:
I think it was originally a gift to her from a high school boyfriend. But it is now in such sorry sad shape, that I’ve been meaning to replace it. The band is actually broken in a couple of places, but it weirdly breaks my heart to part with it.
I’m still trying to decide whether to have it repaired {and maybe made into a little pinkie ring?} or to just get a new on altogether. What do you guys think?

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I like the pinkie ring idea!
Definitely repair it! That is such a cute ring and I love family jewelery! Just imagine some day passing it along saying this was your grandmas… ah so cute. Too mushy gushy? haha. I love wearing my grandmas jewelery.
Get it repaired! It’s super cute and so worth it!
do you still have it? I had one just like this one – I mean IDENTICAL and I was stupid and gave it to my boyfriend when I was 16. He of course lost it and it’s been over 20 years ago now. My Grandma had given it to me and I would LOVE to have one like it again. Any chance you’d like to sell it?!